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Build-Time Flag


Build-time features are not available with Loop 2.2.x.

With Loop 3, some features are enabled or disabled by default but can be modified by adding a "flag" in the LoopConfigOverride.xcconfig file.

If you use Build with Browser, these build-time features can be added to your copy of the LoopConfigOverride.xcconfig file. Use the pencil icon in that file on your copy of LoopWorkspace and then commit the change.

If you use the Build with Mac Method, this is the same file used to automatically sign all your targets. You can edit the version in your LoopWorkspace folder (it shows up as the top item in the Xcode folder view) - or - if you use the build script, you can edit the copy found in ~/Downloads/BuildLoop after the first time you use the script. For that second case, the "flags" you add in ~/Downloads/BuildLoop/LoopConfigOverride.xcconfig are applied to all downloads created with the script.

These flags are always upper case with underscore separating words for clarity, for example MY_EXAMPLE_FLAG. If you have more than one flag, they are separated by a space. Do not enter a line break between selections; in other words, do not hit return or enter. Xcode will automatically word-wrap the line for clarity. All values need to be on a single line.

New Instructions

The instructions are more robust than earlier instructions that had you editing a line instead of adding new ones.

Copy the text below, add it to the end of your LoopConfigOverride.xcconfig file and then insert the desired flags in place of MY_EXAMPLE_FLAG. If you want more than one flag, separate them by a space.

Lines to add to end of file
// Add Build-Time features to compilation conditions

Code Before Modification

// Put your team id here for signing

The example below is for someone who is using a Free Developer ID - which does not support Siri.

Code After Modification

// Put your team id here for signing

// Add Build-Time features to compilation conditions

List of some flags and what they do:

SIRI_DISABLED Required to build Loop from Xcode with a free developer account
ADULT_CHILD_INSULIN_MODEL_SELECTION_ENABLED The choice for Child Model is enabled in Therapy Settings. Please read Enable Child Model.
REMOTE_OVERRIDES_DISABLED Remote commands: override, carbs or boluses will not be accepted even if all the Remote Command requirements are configured

If you do configure this and later try to set up remote commands, they will not work and there is no error message. Remote Errors: Loop REMOTE_OVERRIDES_DISABLED
OBSERVE_HEALTH_KIT_CARB_SAMPLES_FROM_OTHER_APPS_ENABLED Turns on ability for Loop to read third party carb entries. You must also make sure Health permissions allow Loop to read carbs from Health. Be vigilant if you select this; added carbs lead to added insulin dosing when closed loop is enabled
SHOW_EVENTUAL_BLOOD_GLUCOSE_ON_WATCH_DISABLED The Apple Watch screens show current glucose, trend arrow and eventual glucose by default. This flag disables the display of eventual glucose on the watch if you find the display distracting.

This is enabled by default to show Algorithm Experiments below the Therapy Settings row. This enables the user to separately enable or disable Glucose Based Partial Application and Integral Retrospective Correction

Chart Clamp

What the heck is a chart clamp? It means the range displayed will not be smaller than the clamp but it can be bigger.

Loop automatically scales the glucose charts based on the history shown. Some people don't like to see the vertical axis changing, so they turn on the "clamp".

When the PREDICTED_GLUCOSE_CHART_CLAMP_ENABLED build time flag is added:

  • the range shown is never smaller than glucoseChartDefaultDisplayBoundClamped
  • 80 to 240 mg/dL (4.4 to 13.3 mmol/L)

When you do not add that build time flag:

  • the range shown is never smaller than glucoseChartDefaultDisplayBound
  • 100 to 175 mg/dL (5.6 to 9.7 mmol/L)

If glucose within the display history is outside of the bound, the graph range expands to include that glucose level. This prevents glucose readings from being "hidden".

You can customize chart display settings if you want. The original lines of code are shown below. You will need to read the rest of this page to figure out how to modify these to meet what you prefer. If you can't figure this out - reach out for help.

  • Module: Loop
  • Loop 3
    • Folder: Loop/Models
    • File: LoopConstants.swift
    • Lines: 32 to 45
    // MARK - Display settings

    static let minimumChartWidthPerHour: CGFloat = 50

    static let statusChartMinimumHistoryDisplay: TimeInterval = .hours(1)

    static let glucoseChartDefaultDisplayBound =
        HKQuantity(unit: .milligramsPerDeciliter, doubleValue: 100)...HKQuantity(unit: .milligramsPerDeciliter, doubleValue: 175)

    static let glucoseChartDefaultDisplayRangeWide =
        HKQuantity(unit: .milligramsPerDeciliter, doubleValue: 60)...HKQuantity(unit: .milligramsPerDeciliter, doubleValue: 200)

    static let glucoseChartDefaultDisplayBoundClamped =
        HKQuantity(unit: .milligramsPerDeciliter, doubleValue: 80)...HKQuantity(unit: .milligramsPerDeciliter, doubleValue: 240)

Enable Child Model

Loop 3, by default, does not include the concept of child versus adult for rapid-acting insulin, i.e., Humalog, Novalog and Apidra.

  • The child model can be enabled following the directions above, adding ADULT_CHILD_INSULIN_MODEL_SELECTION_ENABLED to the LoopConfigOverride.xcconfig file and rebuilding
  • Insulin Model is then found in the Therapy Setting section of Loop 3 with Adult selected by default
  • Insulin Type continues to be associated with the pump and can be modified in the Pump Settings screen